мiss-isн ❤

мs. gяαcε мs. пαпα

❤ oϋя ωoяld ❤
❤ sнαяiiпg oϋя liғεs togətнəя ❤
❤ 2 come together = 1 heart. ❤

Friday, May 14, 2010

my little Reminder . .

Life . . . Full of endless thinking . . When you get to settle something another comes . . Even though sometimes it could be exciting awaiting for the new challenge , facing the new obstacle . . but sometimes . . you just wished you could rest. . have an endless sleep for one day? . .

I always get curious and always eager to understand the thinking of each different human . . what is their way of thinking . . how would they respond? why did they choose that etc . Sometimes i get tired of facing problems like these . . Sometimes tired of my own curiosity . . tired of trying to understand each and every WHY . .  Slowly i try to understand that things can Just happen without a reason  and I just have to learn to endure it . . make the best of it . . But somethings you just cant get involved no matter how much you want to. One Word, ENDURE.

I cant force things to happen as it wouldn't be right and true happiness wouldn't come out of it too. Sometimes the only thing to do is be patient and wait. Who knows, maybe in the future something Better will turn up as GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAITS.

Take life experience as a joke and stay happy. Dont take things too seriously and have the right amount of sense of humor in life. Things that go bad, its an experience , Look back at it and laugh, learn to correct the mistakes you've made.Life is Full of ways. Never just an dead end. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY. It just depends on which way you choose to take.Never just sit there and regret. Do something about it, Make it better. Always better late than sorry.

HOPE . Dont lose hope. No matter how disappointing things get no matter whether its you Falling into hell from heaven. LEARN TO GET UP BY YOURSELF and put a little hope back in yourself. Do not lose hope as no matter how dark the night could be , The sun will still rise up and shine brightly in the morning. The Beautiful RAINBOW always appear after the Rain. Stay OPTIMISTIC. Think of the good side of everything even if it was a bad miserable thing . Try finding a little good out of it and Comfort yourself.Cheer up.BE INDEPENDENT. Do not depend on others and DO IT YOURSELF as NOBODY IS ALWAYS THERE FOR SOMEBODY. Learn to do things yourself. Dont depend on others to bring you happiness as you yourself should know what you want and what you need. If Someone is there to always make you happy then thats a bonus, but what if that person is not there anymore? at least you yourself could still know how to be happy on your own.

我喜欢上了一个无法永远在一起的人. .






如果你喜欢上了一个无法永远在一起的人,请别对双方苛求太多,太多的因素会让你们分离,时间、人、空间,如果你不想让最后的回忆变得不美好的话。那么就都要给彼此一些空间,让他感觉你是他的幸福 而不是负担!



请记得曾经在一起时的那段岁月~~!! 因为珍惜今天~~!!

i'll always CHERISH all the moments we have together . .



when someone gives you LEMON, add some SUGAR to it and turn it into LEMONADE.

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