After school, i saw Xiao hai zi and i was gonna hit him, but he ran instaed.*bcuz he always make a really stupid expresion when he sees me on purpose.* so i chase him. and then when i ran, some idiot's(i think was charlie's*korean* or Meng's) bag was in the middle of the way.. i din't see it(cuz alot of people.) and trip over.O..M..G..S..! seriously.=.="!!!! so emberessin>_<
Monkey was behind me when i ran. and obviously he saw mii trip. he kinda was gonna help mii up but i ignore him and got up myself. then he told mii to stop chasin xiao hai zi, but i saiid why shud i..herh! (imature myself i kno. xD!) and walked abit further to find xiao hai zi.but i gave up cuz my both knee is alredi enuf stuff up(esp my right)and after fallin down it got worse==" hurt so much!
while packing my books into my bag,monkey and xiao hai zi came over and asked if i was ok. *was sitting on floor*i din wana get up bcuz i knew i would fall back down. my knee was like shaking, super weak. and my hand hurts. so din bothered and ignore them both.... have to admit playing with them is fun and funny but i guess sometimes it isn't when something bad happens>_<~
Summore,Even though my knee hurt.. stil hada walk home .. was walkin a lil retartedly, every few steps i rubb my knee.>_<.
anywayy.. i swear...asian who are born here are freakin wiierd.. people here are just wiierd.. so many guai lou talk so fast that they just bla bla bla and they themselve dun even kno what they are saying. seriously. it is so easy to out talk them... my dad out talk soo many times. haha.. its really funny when they get out talked. and then they try to cover themself up by saying something else and kena out talk again xD. not being racist or anithing lo =)

BTW... NOT all asian who are turn into a guai lou are wiierd. and NOT all guai lou are wiierd.
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