Time just flies..2nd term exams are tomorrow and i have not even touch my books..felt like i know nothing...Tought of taking a nap as I am having flu(not swine flu) =p *tiring* ...It was 7 and I planned to wake up at 8p.m ..But..once I woke ....GOSH!! ITS ALMOST 10p.m !! Unfortunately I did not hear my phone as my friend and my alarm clock was suppose to wake me...how pig I was ~~ ish ish ish ~~ *shakes head* ..Well..even tho exams are tomorrow but I still will try to do my best=) *wondering how fast it will be till SPM * ......*pale face*.......hhhas..Feelings towards SPM is hope it faster come and end then I will be Free like a bird..but at the same time wished it doesnt come as I have not prepared..aiks... Suddenly I miss my puppy lots..Have not really played with him=( ...
WILBER'S 7th Album is coming!! ^^ Hoorays!! HIs new album 007 ..reasons its called 007 is because its his 7th album and he likes the movie 007 ..hhas..cute huh?In this album ..His awesome hairstyle has been cut shorter ..but he still looks sexy, man and cute=) ..his style has changed ..Few of his new songs are 'Be with you' (sung with Akon ) and Shuang ren wu ..Others will remain a surprise ^^ So far..This two songs didnot disappoint me ..and it is really nice=) ..*can hear it thru our bear bear player on the right* ..be with you Track 2 and Shuang ren wu track 5 .. =) ..I need to write a note to Santa saying ' Dear Santa .. I'm a really good girl and promise to be better inthe future ..Can i have Wilber's album as my Christmas present ? and can i have it as soon as it comes out ? even tho its not Christmas yet, please can I have it early ?Pretty please~~ =p ' .. The first time i went to see Wilber was last year National day 31aug2008 ...bought his album 'Wei Lai shi' ..really fell in love with his songs ..saw him perform..went and let him sign the album and shake his hand..his hand was soft ..hmm..like pillow ..hhas ... Really got electric shock by him while he was performing..got more than what i've expected...Satisfying=)
Recently, I also fell in love with a song by Janice .. Song name" In love again" ...Heard it fromFunny pig Isaac's blog.. nice .. I also like 听见有人叫你宝贝-林健辉, 傻孩子etc... While Wiinter is mad about Mad by ne-yo =p ..
Hmm...Time for Studies .. Wish me luck =p ..

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