I Love Lemons..Sourish~ =p
First day of exam...Chinese Paper...
Exams again...I still dont understand what are althese exams for..*wonder* hhhas..
Today down with chinese papers ..it was ..well...."o~k~"...hhas...did not really studied...wasnt in exam mood as I amhaving darn flu...sat under the fan ..cold~...started runnning nose again..aiks...kept on looking up at the ceiling as I did not have tissues to wrap dumplings ..so yea...thats the best way i could do..After school ..I had Ice cream^^ ..Today Strawberry and Choc ..yum~ then ..took a tab and went back home..Grandma cooked porridge ..so i had a good lunch =) ..Just love her cooking so very very muchiie=p ...<3>WilberPan on youtube..<3...dad>
Later on..we went to have japanese fordinner ..Yum~~
I just odered tepanyaki beef set + soft shell crab..was so filling...Came home ..palyedwith my mad pup Charcoal=p ... He is just a ball of energy ..runing her and there ..Just so cute ..Hearts him so..My mad pup knock his head against my leg today..it hurts but i laughed.. he gave me a bruise>< ..his head is just so hard.. Wonder why does he always hit his head on something? ... >< ...I really mean always..sometimes he hit his head against the door...the table..the chair...and even the mirror...hhas...My silly crazy pup...
Yawn ~~ Sleepy ..time to hit the Zzzzs ...Sweet dreams <3...h3arts~
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