whole daii out yesterdaii... so tiring thats why din post =x.
Went to chiense school yesterdaii morning..hate it.. dun get why they dun put it on one of the daisi of mon-fri?...woke up very late this time xD! reach school like 9.30am. half an hour late. but!! teacher also havent teach. LOL always the 1st 30 mins teacher never teach. thats why i go class late. but owaiis kena mummy scold. =x.
in class.. monkey smsed me.. ask where i was. and i saiid i was in classs.. so after school he called miii.. and we fight over the phone...=x. bcuz 3 daiis ago.. i smsed him... 3 msges... i told him off. n well. he got pissed.
At 1st he asked mii nicely wat do i mean in those 3 msges.. he knew very well but he tot he was
Then my parents called mii to go down stairs bcuz my brothers just came back from a wedding and they are all dress up nice. so i went and took photo wit them =p.
*back to monkey* i saiid i had to go. then he was like fine*n something else i can't rmember *.. then i'm like wat angry now la? then he was like... NO ar.. i where got angry... unlike someone so small gas.. i dun disturb you la so busyy.. * can't remmeber wat else he saiid * and i'm like FINE... whatever u wan to think of mii then think la.. i dun care..! and i slam the phone. *ok not really slam my handphone but off the phone >_<* * what are we fighitng??? can't tell =p. =x. *
Anways... went to youth group. start from this week we are like having studying program.. we go there to do our own study/hw. and if we need help leaders could help us bcuz all of them in uni/finish uni. =)).and then we end with worship^^. After youth group went to dinner with family frens.from churhc =)).. and my aunty and uncle is here visint my cousin. so like there was 6 families including us at the restaurant. love the aunty who owns the place n her food. she is sooo nice. asked if mii and my lil bro wanted to work ther b4 but due to transport we couldn't work =x>_<. aniwaisy.. we love her, her food. and esp her DESERT.. we get free desert always..hehe... her fried ice cream is the BEST. =p. sadly i din get to take the photo of the fried ice cream. but took pic of banan fliter instead. waitting for my fren to post it up on facebook then onli i can post it here...hehe.. =). had long dinner and took lots of pictures^^.
At night... mi and my bros gave my mother her Mother's Daii present. a card and a house sleepers. OMGS the sleepers ARE SO CUTE.. its mario's MUSHROOM. xD... bcuz she was been going on about she needs a house sleepers bcuz her old ones are dying@_@. and we duno wat else to get her. this year something differen la.. something more cuter than jewellry and roses. for change =D. she was so surprise and hapiie * n cuz it was so cute* she cried. tears of joy? hehes.. it was so funy.. coudln't stop laughin at it. i'll put the picture up soon =x.
At night... mi and my bros gave my mother her Mother's Daii present. a card and a house sleepers. OMGS the sleepers ARE SO CUTE.. its mario's MUSHROOM. xD... bcuz she was been going on about she needs a house sleepers bcuz her old ones are dying@_@. and we duno wat else to get her. this year something differen la.. something more cuter than jewellry and roses. for change =D. she was so surprise and hapiie * n cuz it was so cute* she cried. tears of joy? hehes.. it was so funy.. coudln't stop laughin at it. i'll put the picture up soon =x.
Smile smile smile=))
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