hehe... Went to school onli for 40-45 minutes. xD!!!
I had 1 & 2 periods freee. actually i had the 1st period for piano class. i learn piano in school... but i was so tired and i sms my piano teacher saying i got bad tummy ache and not gonna go to school the whole daii, that way she'll think i'm not just making an excuse to not go to school.. anyways. so i went to class at period 3. had exam. LAST PERIOD of further maths exam. FINALY.. but its stupid.. so pissy... there is 2 further maths classes. my further maths class is SOOO SLACK.. it is the slackiest class ever!!! teacher sux too..seriously she cnanot teacher. she even kno that she can't teach. once i ask her a question and she saiid ... "i'm sorwiie i kno i'm bad at teaching... but i'll try my best to teach you." HELLO?! THIS IS FORM 5 LIAO.. u can't just saii u'll try ur best. u have to be GUD in order to teach VCE!*vce is somethign like spm* anyways.. our class got like 9 periods to do the exam. but the other class got 10 period~!! not fair much! and the other class teacher tell them more stuff. while my tteacher doesnt.... i think i'm gonna fail the test..cuz i didn't get to finish it >_<. They are gonna combine 2 calsses and rank the students. man. i think i'm gonna be the lowest x___X
maths in order. easy to hardest.
-general maths unit 1 + 2
-further maths unit 3 + 4
-further maths unit 3 + 4
and then
- method maths unit 1+2+3+4
- specailist maths.
one unit is one semester.
anyways.... like i said.. i went ot school for like 40-45 mintues JUST to do my exam.. actulaly we got double further maths class. but because some people had soemthign on and couldn't do thier test and missed the exam time therefore they use both lesson to do the exam. while most of us finish in 1 period.
and this morning when i went to school my fren told memy business management teacher not here for double period 5 & 6. xD which means.. period 4*further maths* is when i FINISH SCHOOL for todaii ^^.. woot..
admit i stress la todaiii cuz doing the exam..but after finish exam..WEEEE..RELAX LO!!!!! ^^ kakakakax....wooot!
eeek.. its alredi fridaii!!! but meh.. this weeek for mii quite gud la.. apart from some bad luck..but most of the time quite relaxing xD!!! cuz 2 daiis alredi my business management teacher din come.. not many ppl like him.... he ANOYING. mii and my fren suspect that he got SWINE FLU.. wooo!! i hope he does...* evil laugh * wahhahaha!!..lol. ok la...abit too mean.. mm.. i just hope he doesn't come tmr too.. thats al..hehehehx.. =p
Just now Amanda just showed mii a video clip from youtube.. OMGS SO FUNNY LA!!!! it is about women's driving...HAHA SERIOUSLY IT IS SO FUNNY!!! should watch it TOO.
this is the link la.... when u watch it u'l laugh ur head off..!!! xD.. kekekex....siao funny....
Which hair style better? i'm still thinking.. side fringe? or fulll fringe? >_<. @__@
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