wooo!!!! on the 04/09/09 i went to Mount Buller wit school. school trip. OMGS... SNOW SNOW SNOW!!! I LOVE SNOW..!!! 1st time i actually SEEEN SOO MUCH SNOW IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!!!! freakin WHITE AND PURE AND SO PRETTY!!!!!

Mother's daii is todaii.... just wanna wish. ALL the mother in the world HAPPIIE MOTHERS DAII!!! =))
of cuz wishin my mother a hapiie mother's daii too...^^
todaii morning went to church.. and then lunch wit the same family frens, church frens( group). u'll be hearing alot of them =))... bcuz my parents goes to their life group.
bcuz the the church is big... and the pastors can't really kno everysingle person. bcuz they themselve oso busy.. so break down into groups.. and each groups has a leader to take care of u =D and every alternate week get together at the leader's house and just eat/pray/disscuss/hang out. theres different age group ones ^^..i dun go to a life group tho. lazy to exaplin.but my parents do and we are close them..family frens/church frens. so like we hang out wit them n thier children too.most of the children are like 11-23?=))most of them are m'sian btw..hehex...
anways....finish lunch at 3something..came home and thats about it todaii=x.lol.a lil boring todaii =x bcuz amanda and audrey did not come. bcuz i duno why.=x. i'm closer to them compare to the other kids@_@. cuz of age differences i guess=)...
For all mothers.. Staii strong^^ =))...
Smile smile smile=))
Just smile even if your down. you might make people around you feel better if thier down.