To be Honest, i wasn't really excited about going to Philip Island. Because i was only going with my parents and this other family. ( family friends ) .just a road trip you know. the thing was my 2 brothers weren't going.
they don't go = boring. very used to having my brothers around. much more fun. plus it was me and Jisoo only. you know how boring is it when it is only 2 people? like we can't play cards or board games or something.
but thank God i brought my laptop to watch movies =] .
oh and i watched "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" on the way there and back ;p better than sleeping in the car ^^
1st Day.
We left the house in the evening. when we reached there it was already like 10pm - ish ? so coudln't do much. we watch this scary movie about tattoos and how it has a spirit that kills people or something like that and you see the spirit. oh man it was scary. so then Jisoo and I went to our rooms and watched " Social Network " . omgs. we both didn't really get whats the point of watching that movie =.= " ! ~ so boring. =x ( it just me. apparently other people said it was good . )
2nd Day.
woke up like 9 something. omgs. it was
sooooo hot !!!!! ( so good for the beach )
was planning to go fishing. but then since it was too hot, decided not to. though our dad's went.

mums were having some " talk " and we were just watching " F.R.I.E.N.D.S " since yeh nothing we can do. we didn't know where the beach were.
We drove to town and ate lunch. Chicken something ~ .
To Be Honest, didn't like it. i so prefer fish and chips =x
fish and chips = THUMBS UP ^^
anyways, this place is like right in front of the beach.
so Jisoo and I went down to the beach and into the water, ( just up to our knees) cuz we had to sit in the car later and we didn't bring our towels =x
so yeh didn't get to swim.
the beach.. was
i mean i used to hate the beach when i was small because it was dirty ( in malaysia ). but now... i LOVE THE BEACH ~
Anyways.. went home and waited for it not to be soo hot so that we could walk to the beach which was closer to us. ( hoping our mum's would bring us since we didn't know where it was ) BUT ! we fell a sleep and mums were chatting away ~ so ended up waking up for dinner instead .
oh by the way... our dads saw a baby seal !!! apparently it was dying so Uncle gave it something to eat and and daddy kept on splashing water on it . got daddy to take few photos. it sooo cute. sorta ugly but hey ! first time sorta seeing a baby seal is cute ! =]
After that we walked to the beach which was like 5 mins away . =D!
The scenery was just...
amazing !!! so..
romantic ~ if only my bf was there.... it'll be soooo sweeet ~~
the sunset was just sooooo.....
indescribable.. and walking along the beach ( actually in the water )
with the
milky stars in the sky ~ it was just
soo perfect if my bf was there !
for any couple to be there or with a group of friends. just so perfect!
loook! how good is it!
look how clear the water is =D!
3rd day
oh did i mention that the family we went with was a korean family ^.^
they had to go home early for something. so they left first.
me and my parents took our time.. packing -ish , cleaning the house. ( the house is my dad's friend's house ^^ )
and we drove around Philip Island a little . and sight see. wow.. i think i'm actualy growing up.( more mature )
used to think that it was freaking boring as.. don't know whats the point of sight seeing but now i'm loving the it =D~ just so beautiful!
we saw a penguin mama and a baby too!!!( at this mountain thingy i don't know what it is called.)
it was like in the middle of the day ! i felt sooo sorry for it =x hiding in the hole.. =x
oh by the way.. we were driving right and we pass by this field which has cows . and i saw this cow humping another cow. LOL! and i coudln't stop laughing and i told my parents. DAMN IT WAS AWKWARD. =x never ever gonna tell my parents if something happens like that ever again LOL..
OH OH .. and we stop by this CHOCOLATE FACTORY.
so much for a chocolate factory. i was soo excited to go in. but when i went it.. dude.. it was just like a normal chocolate shop. and another part of it was there is this indian caffe.. selling like chocolate and coffees drinks AND CURRY.
seirously chocoalte and coffee DOES NOT go with curry =.="
anyways .. yeh.... dissapointed.
i was expecting like u can actualy see them make chocolate =x haiz ~ T___T
anyways.. thats all about philip island.
hoping i can go there again .. and this time actually spend ONE WHOLE DAY AT THE BEACH =]
can see more photos here ^^
This is made out of chocolate. EVEN THE SAND !!! =x
chocolate drink
the sand and sea soo clean .the sea is so blue ~
i know Ms. Alena would LOOOVEEE it xD
oh by the way. I FINALY GOT MY Ls!!! =x
a little late. yes ~ but oh well...
i did the test last week and i got 100%
the reason why i'm so hapiie cuz i beat my whole family . xD~
they only got 80+ and 90 + ;p
waiting to get my lisence in 10 days =D ^^ ~
but seiorusly i don't want to drive =x T___T
Still trying to find a job by the way. i'll look again like in january. since December gonna be a little busy =x
woo woo ! and results are coming out
NEXT MONDAY the 13th !!! =x T___T
i'm soooo scared!!
will update sooon =D!