Showering half way.... i looked up...
Freaking spider on the right top corner..
thanks to it.. i couldn't enjoy my shower .
i had to keep constantly telling myself,
" stay clam .. stay calm.. it not gonna eat you or jump on you "
and i had my eye fix on it too... didn't want to lose sight of it =x
Part Two
Went to kitty's house... we watch 2 movies...
anyways.... we had lovely fruits to eat and lovely dinner made by her mummy. =D~ ( sadly i forgot to take photo of dinner. and desert =( ~ and she even packed some for miii but i forgot to take home T_T )
anyways.. she was telling my about her trip with friends to Lake Entrance last year. how she heard a scratchy sound in the middle of the night for 10 minutes. when she got up... it stop. the next night.. she sad :: " whoever made that scratchy sound last night was not funny. and it was very annoying. "
apparently no one knows about it =x ~ freaking scary. also the fact that they have been watching horror movie at nights when they were there.
she also told me some other horror stuff... =.= "
When i was about to leave...kitty opened the door and SCREAM !
i'm like.. FUDGE WHAT WHAT HAPPEN?!?!! ( scare the shit out of me =x )
and it was just a freaking SPIDER. ( stupid spider )
( i swear.. if Derek was there.. he wouldn't stop laughing at us how frighten we were. lol !=p =x )
=.= " !!!
when i went toilet.... and was about to flushed... i realize there's a spider next to my freaking left foot ! i'm like.. FUUUDGEEEE!!!!!
constantly telling myself again..
" dun scream.. daddy mummy sleeping.. stay calm ... it not moving.. it wouldn't bite you... stay calm.. "
quickly took BUNCH of tissue and SMASHED it =x flushed it down the toilet =x
oh god..... why is there soooo many spiders?!?!?!?!? T______T
i hate spiders ~!! freaking disgusting.
actually i was about to put up a picture of a spider..
but erm.. when i google it.... oh .. man... it .. is.... disgusting ... seirously =x ... .. why did God created spiders T__T ~
hehe.. anyways.. thats all for today =] ~ hearts ~
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