with Derek, Victor, Terence, Patrick, Ang.

but surprisingly.. it was fun as !
(i swear..some how hanging out with guys are so much more care free.. dun think i'm a slut or whatever. but i know tons of other girls admits that hanging out with guys are so much more care free too.)
when i was waiting for the bus. i realize that i forgot to bring extra under clothing =x . OH SHIET ~
oh well.. so i told myself i'm not gonna go into the water.
but.. man.. the water felt so good =p couldn't resist it . xD
i had my contact lenses on so i didn't swim but we splashed water at each other and walked further and further.
(doesn't sound that fun, but it was fun , more fun than typing it up.)
and since i was short. and the water so going up to my tummy... i din dare to go THAAAT far =x
(shut up dun laugh =x )
it was funny how... when we were walking in the water...
some times it was cold and sometimes it was warm...
and we were looking for warm spots . LOL~ wiiierd.~
Me and Derek collected a few sea shells. memories =D .
but .. there weren't many pretty nice sea shells =x !
i haven't washed them =x so lazy =x ;p
oh and a random fact.
my first time wearing a singlet out =x !
my whole life i never wore a singlet out b4 =x
haha and Victor too ( first time wearing singlet ) =p
Victor also forgot to bring extra under clothing..
lol.. so funny... when we were walking / sitting we could feel yuuuckkiiee - ness...
when we were walking back to Melbourne central and and this random guy .
i don't really know what happen..
but he was that kind of random teenage guy who doesn't have a life,
thinking he was all that cool kinda guy even though we out number him,
he dare to try to pick on Victor and Ang. man..
thank God Ang and Victor did not punch him.. or else he'll die xD
me and Derek was walking behind. and Derek made a plan.
i'll kick his nuts while Derek kicks his face and break his nose
and Terence, Ang and Victor can do the rest XD LOL~
( Patrick already left running to the station because he had to go)
anyways.. we went to Max Brenner.
Whole shop is Chocolate =p
the smell of chocolate everywhere.. hehe..
i seriously wish i have a whole house. EVERYTHING is CHOCOLATE ;p
(quite expensive )
and me and Derek ordered this "exploding shot"
it was nice. reli nice. but kinda rip off =x
its like...melted chocolate with this sweet inside it.( its not the gummy bear ) when you eat it.. it pops in ur mouth..
and we ordered a Dark Italian Chocolate drink =]
its very very filling but nice ^^
after that Terence and Ang left.
leaving me , Derek and Victor.
and we went.. SHOPPPING =P .
usualy shop closes at like 5 pm. and thursday and friday opens till like 9pm.
but then yesterday. it was like 6pm and it was still open !!
Victor realize it was only one day spring sale day ;p
so we went shopping ^.^ ~
we got victor to try on this hawaiian shirt. so funny..
yet it look SO GOOD on him xD .
wanted to take photo. but the stupid lady was like " sorry no photo allowed " =.= " ~
mm... but victor bought me 2 pairs of shoes. 2 pairs for like $50 =D
good sale good sale.
for my mm... very late birthday preziie.
i'm surprise... shopping with Victor and Derek is actually alright.
unlike some guys where the only compliment is . " yeh.. yeh... nice.. yeh.... "
even though if it is ugly they still say its nice. =.= "
planning to go another time with them , cuz victor know the city well =D~ ^.^ ~
when i came home. DAMN i was freaking tired as
thats why i din blog about it yesterday night.
but it was a fun day ^^.
damn good exercise =x walked alot ;p
thx to derek he walked me home ^^
but he had a fever when he got home =x
thank god he's better now ^.^ ~
Few other stuff happen
1. drew mustache and one join eyebrow on each other's face ( Derek and Me )
1. drew mustache and one join eyebrow on each other's face ( Derek and Me )
2. found jelly fish = made it into a turtle ;p
3. Terence Victor Patrick and Ang dug a hole and Ang sat in it. then they covered him with sand.
4. made sand castle ! one end to another and see who can knock down the other team's sand castle firts.
Victor and Terence And PAtrick won tho =x . but their sand castle wasn't a sand castle. it was a sand man @@ xD
and just some other photos =D
more photos click here ^^
my nice sleep was disturbed by monkey's phone call this morning at 10am something =x
He called me a PIG! for still sleeping T_T
i went back to sleep but force myself to wake up at 1pm cuz i tot Me, Derek and Victor was gonna go gym at 2pm.
but when i got online. they told me it was cancel cause everyone is tired =x
my sleeeeeep T______T
anyways.. so i mop the floor. the hole house.
but i forgot to mop my big brother's rooom xD
( because he was in the room .or actually i duno why i forgot to mop his room )
Opppsiiiee ~ =p
and then i made dinner =D~
SUSHI ^^ ~
this is what made, with a little help from mummy ^^
more photos click here
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