Mark's 17th B'daii CAKE!!!!! x]
Mark's 17th b'daiii today... hehe.. isn't the cake so cuute?? my father and i went to like 5 cake shops.. and decided to get this cake for him xD ..
so fast ler time... i bet Ms.alena would stilll remember how mark used to be.
small, cute, cheeky.
with MUSCLE and MANLY~
( still not mature yet tho in some ways ** in runs in mii and my bros; IMATURITY **=x ;p )

Okie.. so start from last nite
mii and parents were planing to surprise him with a b'dai dinner . u kno jz a smalll dinner with his 2 close fren and us family.... i was gonnna ask them today ( monday) to come over for dinnner at school. but then.. i remmeber my brother is going to badminton compitition with the schoool and i thought they would go too.. so i had to call them.. OKIE... GETTING THIER NUMBER... IS SO NOT EASY... man i went to my brother's rooom... to not let him kno i'm trying to get his fren's number i had to cover up.
Mii:: mark.. lend miii ur phone for a minute...Mark:: what for?Mii:: er.. just want to see something.. about the camera ( holding my phone too )
( he opens the camera and pass it to mii... i exited it and went to contacts .. then he turn to mii and i quickly close it. )Mii* Pretended* :: omgs. wat happen @_@ ~!!
Mark :: u press the red buttoon =.= ~
Mii :: oh ... swt.... how to go back?
( he did it for miii again. and keeep looking wat i was gonna do)
OKIE TOTALY FAIL.. went to koko's rooom with his phone..
Mark :: where u taking my phone... ??? ( follows )
* was planning to go to koko's rooom to do it.. but... TOTALY FAIL AGAIN *
Went on msn... seeee who has his frens number.. aksed people.. NO ONE KNEW =.=! OMGS ~
went on faceboook.... ( i have thier facebook) BUT THE WEREN"T ONLINE =.=
had to went round asking more people.. n then Thank god one of my fren has thier number...
WOOOT ~~~~
12 MIDNITE.... gave him b'dai bash xD~~ 17 times.. mwahhahahaha..... this morinng his arm had BRUISE .. wakkaka.. i'm so evil ;p
6.45pm... boht his close frens came and we had KFC.. mummy actually wanted to cook steak.. but then mark's FAV food is KFC. .. and then we had cake....ISN'T THE CAKE SO CUTE!!!! ;P. hehehhehehhehehheheheehe...
bcuz his fren had to leave... my koko drove him and mark and his other fren followed... right b4 they come back and daddy went to his rooom and........... * evil smile *
okie.. so mark and his friend came into his room...turned on the light and mii and my dad shouted HAPPIIE B" DAI and... POP the b'dai party popping thingy. xD dad saw him jumped xD!!! wakakakkakkakakakakaa.....
eventhough so many badluck today happen to mii... the SURPRISES for my brother's b'dai.. was a success ^x^ ~
okies.. so wat are the bad lucks that happen today??
1st. i saw monkey b4 my spesh sac ( hard maths internal exam ). and that sac.. i didn't do very well T_T.. didn't ifnish it lor... dude... i study so much... tho... from 3pm - 12am last nite @_@ ( monkey give miii bad luck ... my bad luck person )
2nd. saw him( Monkey ) after school. and when i went home. I FORGOT MY KEYS =.=!
3rd. just now writing this post.... i posted it.. then half of the post GONE =.=! WTH???!!?!? had to rewrite. but i made it shorter cuz couldn't b bothered writing anymore =x
Tae :: Mark :: Fredd
look at those muscle @_@ ! he isn't even tensing!
eating the puppy's head T_T ~
~~ sadness~~
❥Hapiie Birthday little brother
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