he is my...扫把星 ~ .
and then.. after schoool.. my baby octopus DIED T____T
the baby octopus means alot to mii lor ... x__x..
when someone calls.. it blinks light ^x^!! and and it is also mii and my bf de baby octopus...
he has the BLACK(boy) one and i have the WHITE (girl) one.
haiz.... it legs came off .. @___@ i duno how.. it just did.. i tried looking for it.. .. duno where it went . T_T ..
the battery died... and i was thinking of changing the battery.. but now ... it TOTALY DIED T___T
i swear.. EVERYTIME i see him.. i'm so scared something bad would happen X_X
mm.... i should calll him 扫把星 from now on.. instead of monkey .. @_@
WAAA~~~~ wat am i going to do to the baby octopus T____T i want it alive T______T
hmm.... talking about baby octopus.... i wana eat octopus balls.. yummmmy~~~ u kno the one in jasco..
hehehe.. mii, jia-le and ms. alena would eat that few years back ....
the recent trip i went back.... almost everytime when there is oppoutunity.. i would eat it with my bf. ;p
( 1st time he eat so much ostopus balls ) xD.
i love it!!! it is just soo yummy!!!
sadnesss here they sell the octopus balls doesn't really taste as nice as m'sia ~. and just buying the baby octopus balls cost quite expensive X_X.
feeells like eating it now X_X

[ okie.. mayb i'm over reacting.. but.. i dun care wat people think.. cuz that baby octopus is precious to me... ]
anways....willl write more ... got story of last friday which i havent write. @_@ =]
alena: ish ish ish. . wan me to get you another octopus?
ReplyDelete>x<~ i wan bryan to get mii another =x ~
ReplyDeletehhhas . . okay okay . . ask him to get you another one :D . .