Heiii~~~ 2 weeeks of sch holidaiiis GONE.. just a blink of an eye and it goes by you that fast..
i went to Planet Shaker's Conference from tuesday - friday. PS is a christian church/ band. Thier songs are more for teeenagers i'll sayy, but adults goes to the conference too. its in the City so i had to wake up at 6.40 am since my brothers needed to use the bathrooom too and we had to catch the train at 8 something. SOO TIRING ~ x_x anyways it starts at
*morning break
*FREEE to do watever we want in the ct. lunch and dinner
it was Gud. Bishop T.D Jakes preach on the the 3rd and 4th nite. man he is soooo gud. 1st time i actually stoood up and clap my hands and scream "yeah"/ " amen ". normaly i wouldn't. but his preaching is so gud. anyways its 2010!! praise and worship songs are different from back then. now is so much moree... modern @@ i duno how to explain. like last year PS did a song where it is something like techno? i duno wats it called. like u go clubbing u hear those kinda songs. it was guuuud~
some photos. got more but lazy to upload;p ~
Will didi~ ❤ shared with him caramel ice blended the day b4 and greentea ice blended the next day. ❤ss greentes ice blended!

see how tiring it is ;p [ joel ]

see how tiring it is ;p [ joel ]
Saw these cakes with winiie. there's more but lazy to upload the rest ;p . i wanna be able to make these kinda cakes. i mean well i did for christmas in cooking class in form 4. but as siff i can remember the ingredients off my head. hoping one day i will be able to do pretty cakes like this and priiettter and better tasting cakes ~ ❤
sweeet 16~ ❤

man.. blink of an eye.. and i'm 18 already.. no longer 16 x_x
what do you think? should i cut my hair short..
have been having long hair since~.... form 1 / form 2.. and i promised my self i'll never cut it short after the bad expereince of having short hair in primary school. due to stupid chinese school who says " if you wan to have long hair u need to dance ballet" i actually kinda regret stop dancing ballet. but meh.. i prefer mix hiphop modern kinda dance anyways.
i cut my hair last monday ~ just the front shorter layered. and my fringe. also thined my whole head and trim the bottom. hahaaa no one belives that i actualy cut my own hair but its true. cuz i'm scare of letting ppl here in aus to cut my hair. ( bad experience again)
and this time cutting my own hair is SUCCESSFULL~ hehe~
it really looks like i have short have.. everyone been commenting that i loook gud with short hair. making mii really wanna cut my hair short.
but then again.. haa~ i'll prob keep my long hair ❤ ;p
i'm missing Him badly~ havent properly talk to him almost 2 weeks already T_T~
missing my nana tooo.. haiiz~ ❤
thats the end ~~
gonna sleep.. tmr got sch =x
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