actually since after my school prom. ( which was in june )
The day i get to go out.... things happen..=x....
i saw alot of hot guys .. hahahah ... man.. why so many hot guys but my schoool has non=.= T___ T
it was sooo tempting to eat it.. but i control =x. soo much sugar....
wasn't sure if i could finish it all on my own =x
anyways..... while waiting for will.. i went to seee victor . cuz he was working =].
omgs... i just move my left feet back a little A LITTLE. *i swear it was a little *
not on purpose. and a little girl RAN and TRIP OVER.
i'm just like SHIT i din even seee that she was there T_T i felt so bad and embarrass. i quickly pick her up.
and she started crying ... =x =( i appologize to her and her parents of course.
but still T_T i din do it on purpose T__T ~
went out for dinner with my brothers. koko went to the toilet... leaving mii and mark sitting.
then we saw will and jen... out the window accross the road..
so i told mark i'll go and see them ...
u kno wat usually malaysians' do. J-walk. crossing the road not using the traffic light.
1st i check there was no police. DONE. =p
2nd i check are there alot of cars on my RIGHT.. fine they were. so i waited for the coast to be clear...
but then this Indian driver saw it was red light..infront.. so he slow down and let miii cross instead.
i hesitated. and i duno.. i just crosss...
( NOTE TO SELF. next time i hesitate at something never do it ) .
then when i was crossing.. the other cars where coming from my LEFT. OH GOD
I PANIC. i didnt want to stand in the middle of the road.. so i ran across.
i actually estimated that if i ran across i'll be fine. the car on my left wouldn't hit mii.
GOD stupid driver.... he just HAD to HORN=.="
(( even my little brother who watch the whole scene knew that i was safe and that driver was an idiot ))
thx to the guy i had a heart attack ~ geeez
i was like... MORE in a PANIC mode then! i was freaking shaking.
EMBARRASS much! everyone was freaking watching =x
but yes.. i admit i was wrong. hahaha =x xD
but yes.. i admit i was wrong. hahaha =x xD
i am actually stillll ...... in shiiiiverrsss after 3 hours =x
but man i Thank God i'm alive =x
but man i Thank God i'm alive =x
BTW.there is like. 5 more weeks till VCE!!! gosh i'm nervous =x